

1. What are the different logos the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 makes available for members to use?
Because of our commitment to help you promote the CPA profession and increase the visibility of your designation(s) and specialized expertise among current and potential clients, 雇主, 会计专业的学生和普通大众, we offer two logos for member use: the CPA logo and the new 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 membership logos.

This logo should only be used by those who under their state laws/rules are authorized to use the designation "CPA."


  • 普通投票会员-个人:“美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载会员”标志
  • Regular Voting Member – Firm (all CPA owners are Regular Members): "188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Members" logo
  • 准会员:“美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载准会员”标志
  • 国际会员:“美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载国际会员”标志
  • 非188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址:“美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载非188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址”标志
  • 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址考试 Candidate Affiliate: "188bet亚洲真人体育下载 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址考试 Candidate Affiliate" logo
  • 学生联盟:“美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载学生联盟”标志

在使用适当的美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载会员标志之前, make sure the usage complies with your state board requirements.

2. 如何在文本中指定我的成员分类?
You have several options for writing out your membership classification depending on the category:

  • Regular Voting Member – Individual: Member of 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 or Member of the American Institute of CPAs
  • Regular Voting Member – Firm (all CPA owners are Regular Members): Members of 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 or Members of the American Institute of CPAs
  • Associate Member: Associate Member of 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 or Associate Member of the American Institute of CPAs
  • International Associate: International Associate of 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 or International Associate of the American Institute of CPAs
  • Non-CPA助理:
    −Non-CPA Associate of 188bet亚洲真人体育下载或Associate of 188bet亚洲真人体育下载
    − Non-CPA Associate of the American Institute of CPAs or Associate of the American Institute of CPAs
  • 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址考试候选人会员:
    − 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址考试 Candidate Affiliate of 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 or Affiliate of 188bet亚洲真人体育下载, or
    − 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址考试 Candidate Affiliate of the American Institute of CPAs or Affiliate of the American Institute of CPAs
  • 学生会员:
    − Student Affiliate of the American Institute of CPAs or Affiliate of the American Institute of CPAs

3. 会员可以单独使用188bet亚洲真人体育下载的标志吗?
出于责任原因, members are not permitted to use the (single entity) 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 logo in their promotions. 它只供美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载使用. However, we have designed an 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 membership logo for each membership category. 具体情况请参见问题1.

4. 谁可以使用188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址的标志?
The CPA logo should only be used by those who under their state laws/rules are authorized to use the designation "CPA." This logo is available to CPAs who are members of the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载, as well as non-members.

5. Which membership logo do I use in my firm’s promotional materials?
我们为公司提供一个标志:美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载会员. The requirement for usage is that all CPA owners must be Regular Members.

6. I have a sponsorship opportunity and would like see if the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 would be interested in supporting this effort. 我该联系谁??
请发送电子邮件至brandquestions@aicpa.附上您的要求和赞助详情. 我们会在48小时内给你答复. If you are inquiring about sponsorship for one of our conferences, please contact Teresa Brueggeman at tbrueggeman@morrismarketinginc.Com或致电800.504.4749x106.

7. 我可以使用有或没有标语的CPA标志吗?
是的,CPA的标志和标语可以分开使用. Please note that the CPA mark doesn’t take a registered trademark symbol because the acronym is in common usage.

注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的口号是“美国依靠188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址®”.为了产生更大的影响, it is preferable to use both the logo and the tagline together whenever possible and appropriate. 标语应该始终包含®符号.

8. 我可以重新绘制或重新创建这些标志或更改颜色吗?
No. The logos and CPA tagline must be used as they have been created and may not be redrawn or recreated, 但可能会缩小规模. When reducing it in size, always ensure the logo remains legible.

9. 是否有最小打印尺寸的标志?
是的. To ensure the legibility of the logos and tagline, the minimum recommended print size is .625英寸高. 如果它进一步减少,确保它仍然是可读的.

10. Are there restrictions on where the logos may be placed on stationery and business cards?
No. You may place the desired logo and/or tagline anywhere you prefer. However, be sure to keep a globe’s distance clear space around the mark.

11. 我可以用任何颜色印商标吗?
No. There are three color options for the CPA logo and 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 membership logos: gradient purple, 黑色或白色(背景色).

12. 我从哪里可以得到商标?
The CPA and 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 membership logos are available on the Marketing Toolkit.


Each logo is available in a hi-res format (eps) for use in high quality printing or jpeg for Word documents, 幻灯片演示, 在线, 等. Click on the link below for the logo version and format you need.

您可以选择彩色或黑白版本. 在你做出选择之后, click on the link to download the file to save to your desktop or to a disk. You can then email the logo to your vendor or provide them with a disk.

您可以选择彩色或黑白版本. 在你做出选择之后, click on the link to download the file to save to your desktop or to a disk. You can then email the logo to your vendor or provide them with a disk.